Thursday 17 January 2013

everyone wants to know how to increase blog traffic free, whether you are a serious online marketer who uses their blog to make money or if your blog is a personal blog that you do just for fun. 
You have already done a lot to get more targeted traffic to your blog just by choosing to use a blogging platform for your website. As the search engines love fresh content and since blogs are updated far more frequently than a static site would be, they view that as a content driven site and will rank it higher.
There are many other things you can do to increase blog traffic free. Bear in mind that it is not just about getting any traffic it is about getting targeted traffic, i.e. people who are actually interested in the topic of your blog.
These are a few of the simplest and most effective free things you can do to maintain a strong flow of targeted traffic to your blog:
1. Post on your blog often. 
The more frequently you post, the more frequently your blog will get crawled by the search engines and you will be rewarded with a higher page rank and more free traffic.  A word of caution though, as with vitamins don’t fall into thinking that if one is good 15 must be better.  Posting too many times in a day may raise a red flag to the search engines that you are not building your site in a natural way and they could penalize you for it. 
I have read that an effective rule of thumb is to make one blog post every single day for 21 days. I’m not sure why, but it appears that 21 is the magic number.  Then after the first 21 days you can slow down to several posts a week or you can continue with one a day, it is entirely up to you.
2. Start writing articles that will direct people to visit your blog.  Firstly make use of the free Google keyword tool to target the keyword phrases people are using to find your blog.  You then need to write quality articles around that keyword phrase and submit your articles to article directories such as for free. 
3. Spend some time learning a little about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and start using those techniques on your blog.  This will help your blog attract the attention of the search engines. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about SEO, but a few basic concepts can make a huge difference.
4. Start blog commenting by visiting other blogs and leaving a comment with a link back to your blog.  Leaving interesting and insightful comments will not only show people that you are an expert in your field, but it will also encourage them to check out your blog to learn more about what you have to say.
The above methods are the easiest ways that you will find to increase blog traffic free. There is no need to waste money on expensive pay per click campaigns when you can have even better results just by investing a little of your time.  
Would you like to make enquiry or seek for advice or additional information, please comment with your email address, and the information will be sent directly to your email box.

1 comment:

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